Yoga and Mindfulness

  • Namaste and Play!

    Part of the mission of Island Holistic Counseling LLC is offering yoga and mindfulness for children in the community through partnerships with local organizations. We offer kids yoga classes as well as kids yoga workshops for educators. Our kids yoga workshops include themed lesson plans geared towards pre school age, elementary, and middle school.

    If your organization is interested in having Island Holistic Counseling offer kids yoga classes at your school or a kids yoga training for your educators please be in touch for pricing options.

  • Yoga Group Classes at your location

    We offer group private all levels yoga classes at your location. This could be for a group vacationing in town such as bachelorette yoga- or for a corporation looking to offer wellness classes on site. Mats provided. 

    Rate: $130 for hour long class

  • Private Therapeutic Yoga in our office

    If you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out and need to cultivate greater spaciousness in your mind and body-private therapeutic yoga might be exactly what you're looking for! Yoga therapy uses the tools of yoga—physical practices, stress-reduction techniques (including breathwork and mindfulness), and yoga psychology—in a 1:1 setting. You will receive a custom, individualized practice for greater well-being. It’s a holistic, mind-body-spirit approach to wellness that works on every level to develop greater contentment, peace, ease and joy.  Private Therapeutic Yoga is offered by Emily Swift CYT and LMHC and can be a powerful somatic adjunct to traditional talk therapy. This offering is not covered by insurance.

    Price is $85 for 50 minute session