Why the nautilus as our logo? 

I chose the nautilus shell as the image/ logo for Island Holistic Counseling because one of my favorite ways to practice self care is to walk the beach with my dog looking for treasures. My dog is a reminder to take breaks in life- to connect with nature, to play, to experience moments of just being- and all the treasures I find and keep- little spiral shells and pieces of sea glass, are physical reminders of the moments I have taken to pause, connect with my body and nature and listen within. The spiraled nautilus is a symbol of the growth process. 

The nautilus- is a symbol of nature's perfection-  the spiral is an example of the Golden Ratio, or Fibonacci sequence of sacred geometry. The Fibonacci sequence is a geometric spiral ratio that resonates across nature- examples include the center of the sunflower, the seeds are arranged in fibonacci spirals- the scales on a pinecone, the rings of a tree, petals of many flowers-  and it extends to humans as well- in our fingerprints and the blue print of life itself- our DNA.  

The fibonacci spiral is a symbol of divine proportion, cosmic harmony and perfect balance- connecting us to the natural world and to the oneness of the universe- from which all living things have come into being. Reminding us of our connection to something greater than ourselves.  

The spiral pattern is a symbol for growth- that growth is not linear but ongoing, each smaller ring creates a foundation for growth to spiral out. The way nature and our own bodies organize itself in patterned growth provides a structure and a meaning for embracing change within ourselves and our relationships. Growth and change is life- if something stops changing it has stopped living, yet the process of growth and change can be deeply uncomfortable- daunting, frustrating, scary, anxiety provoking - challenging. There is something very exciting and freeing in trusting that your very being is designed to grow and unfurl- to change and transition. You can trust in your own nature as it is designed to grow precisely in its own time- your beingness is oriented to wholeness and healing. Just as the body knows how to heal a broken bone- you have wisdom inside you to guide your growth journey. The therapeutic process is a container for that growth to take root- to amplify your inner voice- and feel supported as you grow. 

Island Holistic Counseling in Middletown, RI
Cooper, team mascot of Island Holistic Counseling in Middletown, RI

Examples of the golden ratio found in nature…

Island Holistic Counseling in Middletown, RI
Island Holistic Counseling in Middletown, RI
Island Holistic Counseling in Middletown, RI
Island Holistic Counseling in Middletown, RI
Island Holistic Counseling in Middletown, RI